Frequently Asked Questions

Electronic Cheque Clearing (NCHL-ECC)

Who regulates NCHL-ECC?

NCHL is regulated by Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB).

Who operates NCHL-ECC?

NCHL-ECC is operated by Nepal Clearing House Limited.

What is cheque truncation system in the context of electronic cheque clearing?

In a cheque truncation system, physical movement of a cheque is truncated or stopped at some point in the clearing cycle, either at the level of the presenting bank or at the clearing house or at the paying bank. In the context of NCHL-ECC System implemented in Nepal, cheque is truncated at the level of the presenting bank. In order words, the cheque does not physically travel to the clearing house or to the paying branch as it used to do in manual clearing process.

How does clearing take place and the cheques passed on?

The presenting bank sends an electronic image of the cheque along with the relevant information like the MICR code line data, date of presentation, presenting bank, etc., to the clearing house. The clearing house forwards the images along with data files to the drawee/ paying bank. The paying bank branch takes the ‘Pay’ or ‘No-Pay’ decision based on the image of the cheque.

Physical cheques are truncated at the presenting bank (Bank of First Deposit) and so there is no need to move the instruments physically across branches.

How are the images captured?

The electronic images and MICR data of cheques are captured using cheque scanners by the presenting bank. Prior to scanning by the presenting bank, all cheques are required to be stamped at the back (right-hand side) of the cheque with the details of Presenting Bank Name, Branch Name, and Date of Presentment. Each cheque is allowed to be presented two times again in case of rejection in the first presentment which makes a total of three cycles

How does the system ensure that cheque images are transferred securely between the banks and NCHL?

Cheque images are transferred securely between the banks and NCHL through highly secured and state-of-the-art technology infrastructure which ensures authentication and security of the images being transferred. Audit logs at all levels are maintained for future references.

What care and precautions are to be taken by banks and their customers to ensure quality images and to avoid frauds?

All cheques need to be image friendly. The customers should preferably use dark colored ink while drawing the instruments. Care should be exercised in the use of rubber stamps, so that it would not interfere with the material portions of the cheque. The date of the cheque, payee’s name, amount, signature and MICR line data are the basic features which are essential in a cheque. The use of rubber stamps, etc., should not overshadow the clear appearance of these basic features in the image. In order to ensure that all essential elements of a cheque are captured in the image during the scanning process, bank customers also need to exercise appropriate care in this regard.

How long does it take for a cheque to clear through NCHL-ECC System?

All cheques are be cleared and settled on the same day (T+0) provided they are presented before the cut off time. Cheque presented after the cut off time are cleared and settled the following day (T+1).

What are the benefits of NCHL-ECC System to the customers of the banks/ FIs?

a. Faster clearing cycle.
b. Beneficiary’s account gets credited the same day on which the paying account gets debited.
c. Better customer service – Elongated customer window.
d. Elimination of float available to cheque issuing bank customers, as they would tend to lose the advantage of utilizing the funds in their account even after issue of cheque till it reaches the counters of the paying bank branch.
e. Clearing service by NCHL can be extended to the entire country with no geographical dependency.

Are there any changes in the process of cheque clearing for the customers?

No, there is no change for the customers in the way they deposit the cheques and it is processed. But customers need to be aware of the new changes in the cheque standards & its security features, deposit & settlement times and charges that may be applicable.

Does the customer need to change the way I complete a cheque?

There are no material changes as such but customers need to be aware regarding use of new design cheque:

i. Make sure that you write the name of the payee and amount in words, clearly and correctly. Always fill out your new cheques using an ink pen or a ballpoint pen with black or dark blue permanent ink. Do not use a pencil, light coloured or fluorescent or non permanent ink to complete the cheque;

ii. Write the date inside the “Date” box clearly in dark permanent ink.

iii. Write or enter the amount inside the “Amount in Figures” box. Write the amount in figures as close to the left side of the box as possible to avoid any fraudulent alteration of the amount in figures;

iv. If you print the amount in figures using a typewriter or a computer, print the currency symbol together with the amount in figures by the same device. If you use a computer to enter information on the cheque, please use a well maintained printer with permanent dark ink (black or dark blue) ribbons. If you use an ink jet printer or a laser printer, do not let the ink to penetrate the cheque paper and the printer, as it can adversely affect the security features;

v. Do not write or sign on the space allocated for the MICR code line to ensure accurate reading of MICR printing. There should be no stamping (including company rubber stamp), perforations, stapling or any other intrusion in this area. Do not let your signature overlap the MICR Code line or the “Amount in Figures” box;

vi.If you use a typewriter to write your instructions on the cheque, use ribbons of dark colours (black or dark blue). Do not use total transfer (correctable) ribbons.

vii. Do not circle or underline any information on the cheque;

viii. Do not use carbon or carbon-back ink for transfer to the second copy of the cheque.

ix. Do not use facsimile signature, as it has a potential to disappear in the image of the cheque.

x. Do not fold or mutilate the cheque as it can damage the data on the MICR line. Envelopes used for mailing cheques should be sufficiently large to enclose the cheque without folding.

What is the difference between Regular Session and Express Session?

Express Sessions are special sessions of short duration for presentment, response from paying bank and NRB settlement. Express session has 1 hour of window for the cheque presentment and settlement happens within next 1 hour. There are currently 3 express clearing sessions on each working day except Friday where there is two express clearing session.

Regular session is one full day clearing cycle where the presentment cut-off time is up to 15:00 and the paying bank response cut-off time at 17:00 (time will be reduced by 15 min during winter session) with the final settlement after 17:15 such that the customer account is credited within 17:30 from Sunday to Thursday. Whereas the presentment cut-off time for the Friday session is at 12:00 and the paying bank response cut-off time is at 13:30 with the final settlement after 13:45 such that the customer account is credited within 14:00.

*Cheque presented after 2:00 PM on Thursday will be settled on the first working day of the following week at 3:30 PM.

What are the clearing session timings?

Presentment for regular session (clearing of MICR encoded standard cheques) starts from 14:00 (T-1) and ends at 14:00 (T+0); Respond by paying bank ends at 15:00 (T+0); and settlement at NRB ends at 15:30 (T+0). Presentment for Express Session as given below:

1st Express Session: Presentment starts from 10:00 (T+0) and ends at 11:00(T+0); Respond by paying bank ends at 11:30 (T+0); and settlement at NRB ends at 12:00 (T+0).

2nd Express Session: Presentment starts from 11:00 (T+0) and ends at 12:00(T+0); Respond by paying bank ends at 12:30 (T+0); and settlement at NRB ends at 13:00 (T+0).

3rd Express Session: Presentment starts from 12:00 (T+0) and ends at 13:00(T+0); Respond by paying bank ends at 13:30 (T+0); and settlement at NRB ends at 14:00 (T+0).

Customers are required to consult their bank as they may set their own cut-off times for their operational arrangements.

Are the current cheques already issued by the Banks/FIs to the customers are supported by NCHL-ECC System?

Only the MICR encoded cheques issued by the Banks/FIs will be supported by NCHL-ECC system. Old cheques (without MICR encoding) will not be supported by NCHL-ECC system. Request your bank for issuing MICR cheque in case you are still in possession of old non-MICR encoded cheques.

What is High Value Clearing Session?

High value electronic cheque clearing is a special clearing session for presentment of high value cheques of above 200 Million to 300 Million in case of NPR cheques and above 2 Million to 3 Million in case of USD, GBP and EUR cheques. It is available from Sunday to Friday.

Whom should I contact for further information?

Contact your bank for further information or visit our website

Interbank Payment System (NCHL-IPS)

What is an Interbank Payment System (NCHL-IPS)?

NCHL-IPS is a system to safely and efficiently tranfer funds from one account to any other account held at any of the participating member banks & financial institutions (BFIs). It supports account to account payments (Direct Credit) and collection (Direct Debit) related transactions. The underlying transaction products (purpose) of such payments or collections could be customer transfer, fees, insurance premium, loan installment, treasury, salary, pension, social security, dividend, IPO refunds, government payments, etc.

Who regulates NCHL-IPS System?

NCHL-IPS System is approved and regulated by Nepal Rastra Bank.

How does the NCHL-IPS system works?

Customer requests or authorizes its bank (called as originating bank) to issue a credit instruction for payment to account(s) held at one or more of the member banks. The originating bank then initiates a direct credit transaction in the NCHL-IPS system and sends to the beneficiary bank (called as receiving bank). The receiving bank acknowledges the transaction and credits the beneficiary account after the settlement confirmation is received from the central bank. The final settlement takes place based on net position of the member banks at the settlement bank.

Similarly, customer request of debit instruction for collection from account(s) held at one or more of the member banks, the originating bank generates a debit instruction based on the mandate (consent between creditor and debtor). The receiving bank acknowledges the transaction and debits its customer account. The originating bank’s customer account will be credited after the settlement confirmation is received from the central bank.

What are the various products (purposes) supported by NCHL-IPS?

The system supports over 160+ products (purposes). However, the relevant purposes of direct credit and direct debit will be available. Some of the purposes that will be initially introduced are Customer Transfer, Fees, Loan Installments, Interest, Insurance Premium, Remittance, Treasury, Government payments, Salary, Pension, Social Security, Dividend, IPO Refund, etc.

The transactions could be one-to-one or bulk transactions. It even supports standing order based payments (direct credit) and mandate based collections (direct debit). Supported currencies are NPR, USD, EUR and GBP, however foreign currency transaction may not be relevant for some of the purposes.

What are the benefits of using NCHL-IPS System?

Alternative payment options other than cash and cheque.
Ease of payment and collection directly to/ from any bank account to any other bank account.
Supports standing instruction based payments and mandate based collection on pre-scheduled dates resulting into faster access to fund and improved cash flow.
Ease of account operation as single account can support multiple purposes from multiple BFIs.

What are Direct Credit and Direct Debit transactions?

A transaction initiated by Debtor (payer) through its bank is a direct credit transaction. Creditor will be the receiver of such transaction. Customer has to instruct its bank for such direct credit transaction from its branch or through alternate channel. Examples of direct credit transactions are customer transfer, premium payment, bill/ fees payment, salary/ pension/ social security payments, etc.

A transaction initiated by Creditor (payee) through its bank is a direct debit transaction. Debtor will be the receiver of such transaction. An authorization, called as Mandate, has to be in place for initiating a direct debit transaction. Examples of direct debit transactions are premium collection, bill/ fees collection, installment collection, etc.

In both Direct Credit and Direct Debit, customers account will not be debited unless you have provided such instruction/ authorization to your bank.

Can I give standing instruction to automatically initiate payment/collection related transactions directly from my bank account?

Yes, Mandate can be setup for automatically initiating direct debit transactions. This will allow the beneficiary through its bank to collect agreed amount directly from your bank account on the specified date/ frequency as agreed between you and the beneficiary.

And Standing Orders can be setup for automatically initiating direct credit transactions. This will allow you through your bank to transfer fund directly to the beneficiary’s account on the specified date/ frequency.

From where can I avail the service of NCHL-IPS?

The service is available through any of the banks and financial institutions who are enrolled within the NCHL-IPS system. So, you can avail the service from your bank or financial institution where your account is maintained. Refer to ‘NCHL-IPS Members’ section in our website to ensure that your bank is a member in the NCHL-IPS system.

And some of the banks may have integrated their core banking system with NCHL-IPS to provide alternate channels to their customers for initiating transactions.

How long does it take for clearing a transaction through NCHL-IPS system?

All transactions received before 16:00 PM are cleared by the system on the same day (T+0). The transactions presented after the cut-off time are cleared and settlement the following day (T+1). Based on the purpose, the transactions could be cleared and settled intermittently. Refer to the NCHL-IPS Session Timings section for details.

Customers are required to consult their bank as they may set their own cut-off times for their operational arrangements.

What is the information that I need to provide to my bank for initiating a transaction?

Basic information that will be required for initiating a transaction includes your bank account and the receiving party’s bank account details. The purpose of the transaction will also be required. However, your bank may request for additional information like some mandatory reference numbers and others that may be needed for completing the transaction.

Customers are required to consult their bank to know about such additional information required.

Are there any fees or charges for availing NCHL-IPS related services?

There will be nominal transactional fee for availing this service levied either to the originator or the receiver of the transaction based on the purpose.

Customers can contact their bank for fees and charges related details.

Who should be contacted for further information?

Contact you bank for further information or visit our website

Retail Payment Switch (RPS)

What is National Payment Switch (NPS) ?

National Payment Switch (NPS) is the core switching and routing mechanism that integrates various digital payment systems in the country and ensures the interoperability of such card and non-card based retail payments.


Who operates 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘤𝘵IPS e-Payment System?

𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘤𝘵IPS e-Payment System is developed and operated by Nepal Clearing House Limited (NCHL), which is licensed & regulated by Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) as a payment system operator (PSO). NCHL is promoted by Nepal Rastra Bank and BFIs.

What is a 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘤𝘵IPS?

connectIPS is an e-payment system established as a single payments platform to allow the bank customers for fund transfer and service payments from various channels. The payment transactions are processed directly from/to the bank accounts and the transactions are normally immediate at the sender and receiver. The system is available 24×7 through alternate channels of the web (, mobile App and payment process/ gateway. This can also be accessed from the mobile/internet banking of major banks & financial institutions and App/Web of various mobile wallets.

Is 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘤𝘵IPS another mobile wallet?

connectIPS is an instant or faster payment system with additional channels (web, mobile, gateway) as platforms to link multiple bank accounts and to process payment transactions through one of the linked bank accounts, unlike the requirement of load/unload of fund in mobile wallets. Multiple mobile wallets are also associated with connectIPS to help them load/unload fund in their wallets.

What are the services available?

connectIPS is a single payments platform that allows you to link one or multiple bank accounts and then use one of such bank accounts for payments. It can be used as a payment processor (gateway), for fund transfer and biller/service payments.

The payment processor is an online payment gateway available at web portal checkouts of various service providers (merchants/ creditors), such as government portals (FCGO, Tax, Loksewa, Passport, CRO), TMS of Nepse, e-commerce websites, travel & tour, airlines, insurance websites, etc.
Fund transfer allows to transfer funds between own accounts, other bank accounts, connectIPS users (based on mobile number) or to listed favorite account.
Biller payments are the third party payments to the service providers (creditor/merchant) initiated from the connectIPS channels (web or mobile app) itself. Some of the available services are Government payments (Tax, Loksewa, Passport, Company Registrar), travel & tour, school/college fee, stockbrokers, insurance premium, and many more. Such services are enrolled by the member BFIs.

What is the transaction limit?

It is possible to send an individual payment of up to NRs 20,00,000 through web channel and NRs 200,000 through mobile app. However, daily transaction limit per each bank is up to NRs 20,00,000 through web channel and NRs 200,000 through mobile app. However, your bank may set their own limit for their customers depending on their internal policy and it may change as per NRB’s regulation

What is user level No OTP limit and How do I set No OTP limit in web portal?

No OTP limit is a limit where transaction below such limit will require transaction password or biometric to complete a transaction, whereas it will require combination of transaction password or biometric and no OTP is required to do the transaction up to the defined limit.
Currently No OTP limit is set to Nrs.5000 by default.

What are the fees & charges for processing payments through 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘤𝘵IPS?

Most of the biller payments (service payments) are free for the customers. However, the transaction fee for fund transfer and some of the biller payment is Rs. 2 to 8 applicable for the payer, which is based on transaction amount slab. However, you may refer here for transaction slab details here

How is the system secured for processing transactions?

The system has been built by NCHL team with necessary security features in line with the international standards for such e-payment systems. The payment data are captured, processed and transmitted in a highly secured environment with end-to-end encryption. And no customer data are shared with the merchant, except the status of the payment. The authorization request is verified based on the credentials of your connectIPS username and other verification credentials. However, the users are advised to secure their login credentials and should not share the same in any case.

What are the other security features available in the system?

1. Complex Password
2. Captcha: User has to enter captcha to control automated tools in every login through web portal.
3. Control against phishing: User has to ensure that an image and a phrase as set by him/her at the time of user creation is displayed every time on the login page.
4. Dual Authentication: System uses a combination of username/ password, transaction password and transaction OTP for each of the transactions.

How do I create a new user in 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘤𝘵IPS?

You can create a new user from here Or alternatively through Mobile App by clicking here for Android and for IOS click here. You will create your user with a username and password with a few additional information.

Why am I having an issue with setting the Password?

• 8 characters in length
• At least 1 upper case alphabet (A, B,C,D, …..)
• At least 1 lower case alphabet (a, b, c, d……)
• At least 1 number (1,2,3,4,….)
• At least 1 special character (!, @, #, _, – only).

What are Security Questions and why is it required?

Security question is a security feature used to confirm your identity when you may have to reset your password in case you forgot your login password. You should select at least 3 Security Questions and Answers at the time of enrollment and the same questions will be asked to re-verify you to allow the login password reset.

𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘤𝘵IPS user Activation?

This process ensures that you have entered correct mobile number and email Id. Your mobile number and email id needs to be verified as a part of the username activation process. On the first login, you will be notified at the dashboard as Verification Pending!! with a link for verification.
1. Click on “Get Code for Mobile”. Enter the OTP code received in your mobile for verification.
2. Click on “Get Code for Email”. Enter the OTP code received in your email for verification.
Once the user activation is successful, you are ready to link your bank account.

How do I link my bank account?

1. You need to login to connectIPS with your username and password
2. Select ‘Bank Account’ from Dashboard
3. Select ‘Link Account’
4. Fill your bank account details (ensure that the account no. and name matches with the one provided by your bank)
5. Select ‘Send for Approval’
6. Download the linked bank account form
7. You can link your multiple bank account(s) of any of the member banks & financial institutions

What is self- account verification?

Customers of BFIs who have enabled self-verification feature can self-verify and activate the linked bank account in connectIPS, such that user will not require to go to the bank/branch counter for account verification and activation process.

The per transaction limits for the self-verified account is maximum of Rs. 1 lakhs and may vary as per bank’s policy. If your bank is enabled for this feature the option of ‘self-verify account’ option will be available in your pending bank account list.

How do I self-verify my account?

To verify account, follow the mentioned procedures
1. Go to link bank account under Bank Account > Manage Account to link your account.
2. In pending bank accounts list, click on the pending bank account and go option of self-verify account.
3. Based on the input information and automated process for self-verification, an OTP will be sent to the verified mobile number and email address that is registered at the bank.
4. After the successful verification of OTP, the status of the linked account will change as ‘AUTOACCEPTAPPROVAL’.
5. The system will then generate two micro-deposit amounts that will be credited on the customer’s linked bank account.
6. The user will now have to check its account and input the two micro-deposit amounts. Once both micro-deposit amounts are verified, the linked account will be verified automatically and the status of the account will change as ‘ACCEPTED.’
7. Now the linked bank account can be used for normal transaction up to the specified transaction limit.

I want to use full transaction limit in my self-verified account, what shall I do to get the full limit?

To increase the transaction limit for a self-verified linked bank account, the user will have to go to update limit option available inside manage account and visit bank along with downloaded form.

Can I link multiple bank account?

Yes, you can link multiple bank accounts in connectIPS.

What is Primary Account and how do I set a Primary bank account?

If multiple bank accounts are linked in connectIPS, one of the bank accounts needs to be set as Primary Account. You will receive fund in this primary account if fund transfer is based on your mobile number (fund transfer to connectIPS user). The first account linked and activated is defaulted as Primary account.

To change your Primary Account. Go to home page after your login and you will see the current primary account. On the top right corner, you will find the option of change primary>>click on it>>Select bank from the dropdown>>Submit.

Can I link corporate bank accounts or accounts having multiple signatories in the 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘤𝘵IPS?

connectIPS is typically supports a low to mid value transactions for retail customers of the BFIs and has credentials for single user access. So, it is recommended that bank accounts that are handled by a single signatory is linked. However, banks may allow linking dual/ multiple signatory account(s) as operating mandate, corresponding to which additional documentation may be required as per bank’s policy.

What is a Transaction password? What if I forgot my Transaction PIN?

A transaction password is a 6-digit password that is used to complete your transaction and can be used in combination with the OTP based on the transaction limit. A transaction password will be used to process a transaction up to a user-defined high value limit without an OTP. And above the high value limit, the transaction password and OTP will be required for transaction authorization.

Alternatively, the user can set the transaction fingerprint as an alternate to the transaction password during the transaction authorization.

In case you have forgotten the transaction password, go to the menu at the top left corner and then click the Transaction Password option. Then you can click on ‘Forgot transaction password’, which will require verification of OTP in your registered mobile and email. Please enter the OTP to complete the process.

How can I access OTP over email if I am residing abroad? Or How can I access OTP over Email if I do not have access to my mobile number in New Device Detected option during login?

With an aim to safeguard connectIPS account and the transactions being processed through connectIPS, we implemented additional control for Trusted Web Browser such that OTP was sent only to the registered mobile number of the connectIPS user. Users accessing the system from untrusted/new browser and who did not have access to OTP sent in their registered mobile numbers were facing issues during connectIPS login. Hence, to facilitate such users, we have upgraded the system with a solution of 3rd factor authentication to make their new web browser Trusted so that they can receive OTP in registered email address as well.

Following are the steps to make the new browser trusted based on 3FA solution: · Login from a new browser through web portal ( ) and enter your login credentials.

First OTP is sent to registered mobile number. If you have access to registered mobile number you can proceed entering with OTP received in mobile to make the new browser trusted.
If you are not able to receive OTP in registered mobile number, please click on Link “Didn’t get an OTP? Proceed to alternative method”.
As a part of 3rd factor verification process, User is asked up to 3 questions and he/she has to answer at least 2 correct answers. The questions include Random combination of security questions that he/she has entered/updated during registration process, personal details of the connectIPS user, recent transaction details from the connectIPS and other linked account details of the connectIPS user.
If the answers provided match with registered user’s records, then OTP is sent to user’s registered email address and such OTP can be used for login into ConnectIPS system.
If the answer provided does not match with registered user’s records, and if you wish to continue ticking the checkbox: I understand that all my linked bank accounts will be suspended, OTP will be sent to user’s registered email address and such OTP can be used for login into ConnectIPS system. Kindly note that ticking the checkbox and continuing the process, all the linked bank accounts are temporarily suspended, you will be required to visit respective bank branch with the Link Bank Account Application Form downloaded from connectIPS.
If you don’t wish to continue, you can Click on Cancel Button and try with other combination of set of questions.



CORPORATEPAY is a business payment platform provided to corporate clients of member BFIs through their respective bank allowing them to initiate transactions in various underlying payment system such as connectIPS, NCHL-IPS, connectRTGS, etc. This is a single channel that supports multi bank, multi account and multi systems i.e. corporate users can do transactions in different payments systems from different accounts held in different banks. corporatePAY is a business payment platform provided to corporate clients of member BFIs through their respective bank allowing them to initiate transactions in various underlying payment system such as connectIPS, NCHL-IPS, connectRTGS, etc. This is a single channel that supports multi bank, multi account and multi systems i.e. corporate users can do transactions in different payments systems from different accounts held in different banks.

Who operates CORPORATEPAY?

CORPORATEPAY is developed and operated by Nepal Clearing House Limited (NCHL), which is licensed & regulated by Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) as a payment system operator (PSO). NCHL is promoted by Nepal Rastra Bank and Banks & Financial Institutions.

How is the system secured for processing transactions?

CORPORATEPAY is processed through secure protocol to communicate over untrusted channels and a trusted code at both endpoints which is required for a secure end to end transaction. The transactions will be executed through encrypted L2 or L3 VPN network for those accessing CORPORATEPAY through VPN.

What are the other security features available in the system?

• Multi-level credentials will be used to login into the system such that L1 Log-in will be a generic login for non-financial transactions, whereas L2 Log-in will be a bank specific login for financial transaction processing.
• Unauthorized access to account is avoided as we have multiple level of authorization from different signatories.
• 2FA is implemented in L1 & L2 login in addition to username and password. An authentication solution (App or device based) will be implemented for user authentication.

How do I create a new corporate and user in CORPORATEPAY?

Corporates have to register their corporate from register . After that, they have to approach their respective bank with enrollment request form received after complete registration.

CORPORATEPAY user Activation?

Corporate User Activation requires users to download the google authenticator app on individual’s mobile phones. Then the user should click on the activation link sent to email of the user. Users then receive a code in SMS. Upon entering the code in CORPORATEPAY portal, users are redirected to page to enter credentials such as user name, corporate code and option to set desired password. Then, 2FA set up page is displayed. Upon clicking on ‘set up 2FA’, a QR code is displayed in CORPORATEPAY UI. Now, with the authenticator app downloaded on mobile users scan the displayed QR code which generates a dynamic code in the app. Each time the user logs in, the code has to be entered.

Why am I having an issue with setting the Login Password?

Enrollment request for adding other banks should be sent by admin user. For this, user has to follow following steps:
• Log in to Admin user
• Click on corporate management
• Click on enrollment request
• Fill the enrollment form and submit
Now, user will receive enrollment request form to their email and they have to visit respective bank for enrollment.

How to activate users after expiration of activation link?

If activation link expires, then user can activate users as follows:
• log in to Admin user
• Go to manage user
• Click on resend activation link appeared on action column
• now, user will get activation link to their email.


What is 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘤𝘵RTGS ?

connectRTGS is an integration component for integrating banks & financial institutions’ (BFI) internal system with the RTGS system hosted by NRB. It is a gateway to enable the BFIs to initiate and process RTGS transactions. It has outward module to initiate outgoing transactions and inward module to process incoming transactions from RTGS system.

National Payments Interface (NPI)

What is National Payments Interface (NPI) ?

National Payments Interface (NPI) is the consolidated Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) of multiple payment systems i.e. connectIPS (Real – Time) and NCHL-IPS (Non Real Time) hosted by NCHL or any other institutions built in an Open API platform concept. NPI is being used as the central domestic rail for payment transactions and to be used by the alternate channels and/or overlaying services provided by the banks & financial institutions (BFIs) or other service providers.

Who can subscribe to NPI?

Any institution that has its internal system capable of integrating with components of NPI for bank account based transactions can subscribe for NPI.

How get the service or subscription of NPI?

Institutions need to enter into an agreement with NCHL to subscribe to NPI. For further details and subscription please contact respective bank or write to us at [email protected]

What are the services available?

Currently the institution who subscribes to NPI can have access to the following services:
• Access to Bank Account Validations API’s.
• Access to both connectIPS (Real – Time) and NCHL-IPS (Non Real Time) for Fund Transfers.
• Reporting API’s for the transactions processed.
• Other Payments API’s such as FCGO (Finance Controller General Office) – Government Payments API, Employee Provident Fund, Social Security Fund, PSP/PSO- wallets, Insurance Companies and Utilities payments



NEPALPAY QR has been implemented by NCHL as per the NepalQR standards published by Nepal Rastra Bank and as part of the National Payment Switch which is mandated by NRB to establish and operate a national QR scheme/network and internetwork transaction & settlement. It works as an independent QR scheme and allows QR interoperability at the merchant level and network level. It is currently available as static QR, dynamic QR as well as QR Gateway.

Who can apply for QR Merchant?

Business entities with valid PAN document can apply for NEPALPAY QR merchant.

Can a single merchant register in NEPALPAY QR with more than two BFIs?

Yes, but the merchant shall terminate the service from existing BFIs.

How can a merchant track the daily QR transactions of the business after getting enrolled as QR merchant ?

After successful enrollment in the system, the merchant shall be provided with a merchant portal/app. The merchant is required to log into the portal with the credential provided in SMS & Email during enrollment.

How does the merchant get the credentials for log in?

The merchant gets the credentials via email / SMS during merchant onboarding.

How to do transaction using NEPALPAY QR?

Payment from NEPALPAY QR can be initiated from your mobile banking app, wallet, or connectIPS. For this, you need to have NEPALPAY enabled in the mobile banking app or wallet app. Please check for NEPALPAY logo in the app before making the payment.

How to pay using NEPALPAY QR from Mobile Banking/ Wallet/ 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘤𝘵IPS App?

• Login into your Mobile Banking/ Wallet/ connectIPS app using your Username and Password
• Click on QR Pay/ Scan to Pay from the available options in the app
• Scan the QR
• Enter the amount in the UI to pay. In the case of dynamic QR, payment details will be populated automatically.
• Fill other details and click on Transfer
• Confirm the payment details and click on “Make Payment”
• Use your Transaction Password and/or OTP
• Click on Submit to complete the payment

How can I check the details for the transactions done using NEPALPAY QR?

If the transactions were initiated through connectIPS mobile app, it can be checked from transaction report in connectIPS mobile app and if initiated from mobile banking or wallet app, the transaction report of the respective mobile banking or wallet needs to be referred to.

Can I pay for GoN revenue with NEPALPAY QY?

GoN tax and revenue payment has recently been enabled for payment with QR as well. NepalQR standard NEPALPAY QR has been added in the connectIPS payment gateway, such that the dynamic QR can be scanned by any of the instruments including connectIPS App, Mobile banking and wallets that are enabled for NEPALPAY QR.

How to pay GoN revenue with NEPALPAY QR?

1. Go to your servicing GoN portal and fill all the revenue details. You may also use the generic portal of FCGO for initiating the payment.
2. Generate EBP No. (voucher number) from the portal.
3. Click on Proceed to Payment and select connectIPS, which will display a dynamic NEPALPAY QR along with regular payment gateway credential.
4. Scan the available QR from any of the mobile app enabled with NEPALPAY QR. Check if your mobile app including connectIPS app, mobile banking, or wallets are enabled for scanning NEPALPAY QR.
5. Verify the payment details and confirm to pay.

How can my business be enrolled in NEPALPAY QR, for accepting payments from the customers?

You need to contact your respective bank/financial institution or service provider who are currently enrolling the merchants in NEPALPAY QR. The bank/financial institution or service provider will complete the necessary enrolment in the system and provide you with merchant code and QR for the customers to scan and make payment.

Why am I not able to scan NEPALPAY QR from my mobile banking app? Or why am I getting Invalid QR/ Server Error every time I scan your QR?

In order to scan NEPALPAY QR your mobile banking platform should be integrated with NEPALPAY QR. Currently, it is available in the mobile banking platforms of various Banks/Financial Institutions, wallets and connectIPS mobile app. Click here for the list of apps enabled with NEPALPAY QR.

Why am I not able to scan other QRs from NEPALPAY QR?

Currently, the payment of the QRs integrated with NEPALPAY network can only be scanned for payment. Please check for NEPALPAY logo while making such a payment.

Will I be charged with QR payment using NEPALPAY QR?

Currently, there is no charge applicable while making payments through NEPALPAY QR.

Which all banks are live in Issuing and acquiring?

One can now initiate a QR-based payment in the NEPALPAY network by simply scanning the QR using NEPALPAY QR issuing integrated instruments (mobile app and wallet) and connectIPS mobile app. Click here for the list of issuing instruments that are enabled with the facility of ‘Scan & Pay’ through NEPALPAY QR.

The institutional customers can also receive their payments digitally by enrolling themselves as merchants under NEPALPAY QR through their respective banks/financial institutions or service providers. Click here for the list of banks/financial institutions and/or service providers currently acquiring merchants for NEPALPAY QR.

National Archive System

What is National National Cheque Archive ?

National Cheque Archive is an additional service provided to the member Banks/FIs to access old cheques and their transaction details.

What is NCHL-IPS Archive ?

NCHL-IPS Archive is an additional service provided to the members to access past transactions that are older than three months and up to 7 years (as per current archive policy). Membersneed to contact NCHL to access such old transactions.

EFT Card Services

Who should I contact if my card is not working or if I did not receive OTP in my mobile phone?

You can contact our EFT Card Services Support Team at +97714511687/4511703 and Toll Free no. 16600116016 / 9801573500 or your card issuing bank for further information.

What should I do if my card gets stuck in the ATM?

Please contact the nearest branch of the respective bank for the detailed instruction regarding collection of the card.

Where should I contact if the ATM seems to be out of service?

Please contact our Customer Support Team at EFT Card Services Support Team at +97714511687/4511703 and Toll Free no. 16600116016 / 9801573500

What should I do if my ATM card is lost or stolen?

– You can contact our EFT Card Services Support Team at +97714511687/4511703 and Toll Free no. 16600116016 / 9801573500 or the respective bank.
– We only block the cards in urgent cases, such as loss or stolen of card, upon customer request. However, unblocking/activating the cards is performed by the respective issuing bank. In case of the loss or theft of card is reported by the customer on urgent basis, the card shall be blocked. However, the request of unblocking/re-activating of such cards shall be handled by the issuing bank.

What is the ATM Withdrawal limit of my Card?

Card Type Per Transaction Limit (NPR) Per Day Limit (NPR) Per Month Limit (NPR)
Debit Card 25,000 100,000 400,000
Prepaid Card 10,000 20,000 200,000
Credit Card 10% of Card Limit

• The limit may vary as per issuing bank’s policy up to the ceiling limit provided by Nepal Rastra Bank.

What is the ATM Withdrawal limit in India?

Channel Card Type Per Day Limit (INR) Per Month Limit (INR)
ATM Debit / Prepaid/ Credit 15,000 100,000
POS/ eCommerce Debit/ Prepaid/ Credit 100,000 100,000

• The limit may vary as per issuing bank’s policy up to the ceiling limit provided by Nepal Rastra Bank.
• The POS/eCommerce limit will not apply to payment transactions made to Hotels, Hospitals, Research Centers and Medical stores.

What is the maximum limit of Contactless Transactions?

– The maximum per transaction limit of contactless transaction is NPR 5,000. However, the per day limit and per month limit depends on the policy of issuing bank.

What should I do if my ATM transaction fails but my account is debited?

– In such case, you need to inform your respective bank & request for the reversal of the amount. The reversal duration is normally as below:

Cases Duration
Same Bank’s ATM Within T+1
Different Bank’s ATM (within Nepal) Within T+3
Bank Card used in Foreign ATM Within T+30

What is the charge for the ATM Withdrawal?

Cases Duration
Same Bank’s ATM (Debit Cards Only) Nil
Other Bank’s ATM within Nepal (Debit Cards Only) NPR 15